Thursday, February 4, 2016

Kingspec SSD Review

Hi Everyone,

My brand new ASUS N551JX laptop has a half size msata SSD port. So i was trying to find a GOOD SSD for it. I found some on

kingspec half size msata ssd review
Kingspec SSD on aliexpress

There I found this product for sale "ACJC2M128mSH KingSpec mSATA SSD Half Size laptop hard drive disk SSD for Fuitsu Q9000 Free shipping" , It had some good reviews so i ordered it.

After sometimes i recieved the product and installed it on my laptop properly.  Installed windows 10 os and everything was good. First few month everything was great. But after 4 months it started to become slow. First i thought its because of apps. So i deleted almost everything. 

Still the laptop was so slow and was taking a lot of time to start. Finally i thought it could be the SSD Drive. So i ran a few benchmark apps and here what i found.

Kingspecs advertised benchmark result

My current benchmark result

As you can see that they advertised write speed upto 104.59 MB/s but right now I am getting only 1.81 MB/s .  Which is even much slower than normal hdd.

It became kind of impossible for me to use that ssd. So i had to switch to my other Samsung ssd drive. Kingspec advertised about 3 years warranty. but it seems they donot provide any support or warranty at all. I have been messaging them on aliexpress for last few days and they never replied back to me.

So if you want to buy a SSD drive and thinking about Kingspec. Think again and donot buy from them. Their product is faulty and they does not provide any kind of warranty or support.

If you have similar experience , please write to me at . People should be aware of these frauds.


  1. you have bought counterfeit products . I 'm using it and it does not resemble what you've bought . There are so many guys on AliExpress sell fake ssd .

    1. I bought it from Kingspecs own aliexpress store. I guess you are just a fake account from kingspec company.

  2. Are you sure that TRIM is enable on your system?
