Monday, June 17, 2019

We have been suggesting people to stay away from kingspec ssd. Some people listened to us and some didn't. We are quite sure the people who purchased kingspec ssd ignoring us is having a bad time now.

F***y wrote on 11th June, 2019 , "Came in time, but hard drive dead after month of use. Waste of money!"

Sorry F***y , You should have purchase some good brand ssd. Kingspec ssd is a scam company.

R***s wrote on 5th June, 2019, "Device not working. Seller did not want to comunicate, to find some solution, which would be ok for both. Only aliexpress team helps me to get partial refund. Did not recomend to buy this product from this seller."

Sorry R***s, They are just scammer.  They will never give you support.  They are abusing the Aliexpress service.  You should complain to aliexpress. I hope if enough people complain about them on aliexpress, they will get banned.

Another youtuber "The Phawx" tested kingspec ssd and They donot recommend you as well. Don't buy kingspec ssd. They are cheap but your data is not safe with them. They donot provide any warranty or support at all.

One of the top tech youtuber linus tech tips purchased ssd from Kingspec. They performed tests and they found kingspec ssd is one of the worst ssd.

They have even featured our blog on their video.  Please check their video and let me know your thoughts on comment.
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