Monday, June 17, 2019

We have been suggesting people to stay away from kingspec ssd. Some people listened to us and some didn't. We are quite sure the people who purchased kingspec ssd ignoring us is having a bad time now.

F***y wrote on 11th June, 2019 , "Came in time, but hard drive dead after month of use. Waste of money!"

Sorry F***y , You should have purchase some good brand ssd. Kingspec ssd is a scam company.

R***s wrote on 5th June, 2019, "Device not working. Seller did not want to comunicate, to find some solution, which would be ok for both. Only aliexpress team helps me to get partial refund. Did not recomend to buy this product from this seller."

Sorry R***s, They are just scammer.  They will never give you support.  They are abusing the Aliexpress service.  You should complain to aliexpress. I hope if enough people complain about them on aliexpress, they will get banned.

Another youtuber "The Phawx" tested kingspec ssd and They donot recommend you as well. Don't buy kingspec ssd. They are cheap but your data is not safe with them. They donot provide any warranty or support at all.

One of the top tech youtuber linus tech tips purchased ssd from Kingspec. They performed tests and they found kingspec ssd is one of the worst ssd.

They have even featured our blog on their video.  Please check their video and let me know your thoughts on comment.

Monday, August 29, 2016

People regrets when they purchased kingspec ssd. If you buy their product, be assured that you will not get any support from them. The product will not work and will stop working within a few days. You will loose all you data, that mean you can loose your job too because of these Chinese frauds. Stay away, buy some samsung or intel or good ssd. stay away from kingspec. 

Purchased the ssd 256 GB read speed does not match the stated. the real speed: reading 352 m/sec. Write 149 m/sec. very long argued with the seller... received compensation, when translated in dispute.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

I was searching for some reviews and this is what i found on

Law • 2 years ago
Do Not ever buy any SSD for Kingspec! I bought one from them and after a year it is dead. I have been contacting them for more than 3 months now by email them and trying to call them yet no response from their side! Never ever I will buy a product with shit service again!

Васисуалий Пупкин • 4 months ago
Don't repeat my mistake, don't buy anything from KingFast/KingSpec, especially from aliexpress or ebay. I bought 512GB KingFast F9 SSD from aliexpress, and it worked just fine, but only for a month. Then it failed completely without any reason, just disappeared in the middle of operation. Never had another SSD fail for me in the first 2 years.
Of course, since it was bought from China (and confirmed as delivered) - no way to return or replace it.

Kingspec company is total fraud. Never buy anything from them at all. Their SSD drives dies within a few months and they will never give you any warranty or support.

v**d c. wrote
the product arrived after a very very long time,more exactly 90+ days the seller claims to be the postal ofice fault but its not because i bought more items through the same postal office and i had no problem,so the delay must be on the sellers part,on the other hand the product seems to be good

A***L A. wrote
The item did not arrive, and the tracking info said the item did not have not arrived, but the seller only told me to wait when there was only 1 week left to the deadline of two months. They were not responsible for the delay and lost of the item, but they did not give me a good solution.

 A***r O wrote
Compatibility of SSD disks the very bad! from 4kh working pieces of equipment I earned only on one! I don't advise this supplier! Delivery period tightened didn't come in time! NOT OFFSET!
 D***s S wrote
The item purchased is working but I dont know if properly ... it 's a lot slower than I expected. I purchased your SSD to replace "HP Apacer" memory module, but Apacer is much faster than your module KingSpec. And it's also slower than the traditional 2.5" HDD for Notebooks. I thought that SSDs were absolutely faster than hard disk but on this subject is not so. Item received may be defective? ... I'm very disappointed.

J***n R
WARNING: This drive does NOT support TRIM which drastically increases life. While the vendor claims the feature, this is not true. Unfortunately, I read the feedback of another customer after I purchased the drive to realize the fact. I verified it for myself under Linux (hdparm) as well as in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, with AHCI enabled in BIOS. Check feedback from other customers, if you don't believe. I did that late. You have been warned. Please spend a bit more, get a good drive and do not fall for this trap. No wonder it's cheap!

There are a lot more bad feedback is out there on web about kingspec. So please be careful before you buy something from them.
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